Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt
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The following information about the Study Program / Majors / Department and Concentration / Specialization on FISIP UMJ Jakarta along prospectus (job/career prospects, profession, competencies of graduates) and curriculum (compulsory courses, choice, and weight SKS/credits).

Faculty of Social & Political Science
Social Welfare Science (S-1) Social Welfare Science Accreditation A
Public Administration (S-1) Public Administration Accreditation A
Political Science (S-1) Political Science Accreditation A
Communication Studies (S-1) Communication Studies
Public Relations / PR
Accreditation B
Master of Communication Studies (S-2) Communication Studies (S-2) Accreditation B
Master of Administrative Sciences (S-2) Administrative Sciences (S-2) Accreditation B
Master in Political Science (S-2) Political Science (S-2) Accredited

SKS Load & Education Period

Study period and study load of students who have taken Regular Program and Non Regular College Program (Online Lectures / Blended) follow the standards already set by the government, namely:
Minister's decision (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 in 2023 (please click)
Higher Education Quality Assurance.

ToStudy Load (Credits to be taken)Study Period
Graduate SMA, SMK, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 144 - 152 sks8 semester
Graduate S1, equivalent
to S-2 Program (MIA)
Masters in Administrative Sciences and Masters in Communication Sciences = 54 - 72 sks3 - 4 semester

Prospectus and Curriculum Study Program / Majors / Department

(Required/Elective Courses, Job/Career Prospects, Profession, and Competencies of Graduates)
Table of Contents
1. Social Welfare Studies Program
2. S1 Political Sciences Program
3. S1 Public/State Administration Science Program
4. S1 Communication Studies,
__Public Relations (PR)

1. S1 Social Welfare Studies

Graduate Degree : S.Sos. (Sarjana Sosial / Sarjana Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial)
Prospectus of S1 Social Welfare Studies
Social welfare science is an applied science that studies and develops a framework of thought, as well as the methodology which can be used to improve the quality of life.
Social intervention is a deliberate method of social change aimed at re-creating the social function of a person, group, or community.
Science of social welfare in relation to social interventions have 3 scope, namely micro, mezzo, and macro. Discuss the micro level social interventions at the individual, family, and small groups; discuss mezzo level social interventions at the community level, and discuss the macro level of social intervention in the broader community level.
Growing science of social welfare and the working world needed in line with the era of globalization, information and communication technology within the scope of social intervention.
Vision of S1 Social Welfare Studies
  • Being Social Welfare Studies Program is the best in Indonesia, which became another example of Higher Education.
Mission of S1 Social Welfare Studies
  • Implement the learning process in accordance with the ethics, values and morals as well as the development of cutting-edge technology.
  • Organizing superior teaching process in order to print the graduates highly competitive both academically and morally.
  • Reviewing and developing the concept of social welfare science in accordance with the demands of the times.
  • Implementing advanced methods of social work in the reality of social life.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Social Welfare Studies
Graduates of Social Welfare Studies of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt Program equipped with the knowledge, skills, ethics, and the ability to assist and strengthen the potential of individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities to prevent social problems they experience; to explore, deploy and guide the values and sources (resources); maintaining social awareness, social responsibility, social awareness and social solidarity; analyze and formulate draft policy and plan social welfare programs; participate in multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral teams in prumusan perencananan policy and national or regional development; overcome or solve social problems it faces as well as restore and strengthen its social function.

Bachelor of Social Welfare of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt basic competence is to have quality and intellectual integrity; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can constantly learning; handling each problem, able to reveal the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology; able to apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of social welfare; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; can using concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and in an effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to make effective use of resources -existing resources; able to start forming units stub entrepreneur in the field of social welfare, able to follow new developments in the field of social welfare, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Bachelor of Social Welfare of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt has the ability to push, boost, develop, and organize initiatives and community participation in the ministry of social welfare and development activities in particular and development in general; supervise, manage, administer the activities and institutions of social welfare services are implemented by governments and society; carry out research and development in the field of social welfare; implement education and training of social work professionals.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Social Welfare Studies
Bachelor of Social Welfare of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt to work and a career in all government and non-government agencies such as NGOs, State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), government agencies, financial institutions, public service agencies (public and private), both internationally, regionally and locally, as a Expert Social and Community Development, members of Parliament / D, analysts, researchers, journalists, academics / lecturers, leaders / managers, etc.

Bachelor of Social Welfare of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt to work into development planning and social development in central government agencies (BAPPENAS), the provincial or district / city (BAPPEDA), or in affiliated companies (SOEs/BUMN) and other intansi.

Become leaders or managers in government agencies, particularly the field of social welfare, the State-Owned Enterprises (Persero, Perum, Testament), Supervision (Inspectorate General and Regional Inspectorate).

A lecturer / lecturer / researcher in the field of Social Welfare PTN / PTS or centers of education and training (Pusdiklat).

Can work on those companies with the public / community or the social welfare, particularly in community development (community development).

Self-employed (Entreprenuer) a consultant social welfare and community development of reliable, etc.
S1 Social Welfare Studies Courses
* = Specificity Electives / General Options
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Health Administration *2
Administration Social Work *3
Analysis of Social Welfare Issues3
Insurance and Social Security System2
Management Principles *3
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Individual and Group Guidance *3
Social Impact Development3
Basics Logic *3
Dynamics Group *2
Dynamics Rural Communities2
Indigenous Social Services *3
Social Ecology *3
Professional Ethics Social Work3
Social Work Program Evaluation *3
Family and Social Work *3
Philosophy Social Sciences3
Gender in Social Work *2
Human Rights and Global Issues *3
Micro Intervention2
Selekta Capita Social Welfare2
Social Policy and Planning3
Policy and Strategy Development2
Social Policy *3
Public Health *2
Social Welfare Family and Gender Issues *3
Skills Society2
Social Entrepreneurship3
Communication Social Work *3
Family and Marriage Counseling *2
Trauma and Crisis Counseling *2
Field Work3
Institute - Institute for Development *2
Public Service Management *3
Community Based Disaster Management *3
Disaster Management *2
Health and Social Welfare Issues2
Labour Issues2
Social Issues3
Methods - Methods of Social Work3
Social Research Methods3
Case Study Method *3
Organization and Administration of Social Welfare3
Criminology and Social Pathology2
Child and Family Social Work3
Social Work Industry *3
International Social Work2
Social Work Public Health *3
Correctional Social Work *3
Medical Social Work *3
Multiculturalism Social Work *2
Rehabilitation Medical Social Work *3
Social Services Elderly *2
Social Marketing *3
Social Development *3
Strategic Decision *2
Religious Education2
Citizenship Education2
Social Welfare Research (Evaluative Research)3
Research Social Welfare and Social Work3
Social Work Research *3
Introduction to Anthropology3
Introduction to Economics3
Introduction to Law3
Introduction to Political Science3
Introduction to Social Sciences3
Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare3
Introduction to Sociology3
Introduction to Sociology *3
Introduction to Social Statistics *3
Disadvantaged Community Development2
Personal Development *2
Processing Zakat and Social Potential *2
Organizing and Community Development *3
Scientific Writing / Articles *2
Comparison Between Nations Social Work *3
Comparative Social Welfare Service System *2
Planning and Social Policy *3
Change and Social Movements *3
Social Legislation3
Practice Field Work (Internship) *3
Macro Practice (Community Development) *3
Management Practicum Social Service Organizations3
Practicum Micro (individual and group) *3
Practicum Orientation Profession (POP)3
Psychiatry *2
Psychology for Social Welfare3
Conflict resolution *3
Profession Seminar Social employment3
Seminar Research Proposal2
Indonesian Economic System *3
Indonesian Legal System *3
Indonesian Political System *3
Indonesian Cultural Social System3
Social Welfare Business System3
Rural and Urban Sociology2
Social Statistics3
Poverty Studies *3
Population Studies *2
Theory and Practice of Social Work *2
Violence and Social Conflict Theory *2
Theory Consultation and Supervision *2
Theory Social Work Macro *3
Theory Social Work Micro *3
Sociological Theory for Social Welfare3
Human Behavior and the Social Environment3

2. S1 Political Science

Graduate Degree : S.I.P. (Sarjana Ilmu Politik)
Prospectus of S1 Political Sciences
Political science is the science which deals with the theory and practice of politics and the description and analysis of political systems and political behavior. This science-oriented academic, theory, and research.

Political science is the science concerned with the state, which seeks to understand and comprehend the state as he is, in the nature of essensialnya, various forms and manifestations and its development.

Political science study the problem of power in society, the nature of nature, broad in scope, as well as the basic foundation of its results.

Political science studying the nature and purpose of the country, the extent to which the state is an organization of power, and the nature and purpose of the other symptoms that unofficial rule that could affect the country.

Political science concerned with the relations of power among people, between people and the state, and between states and countries.

Political science studying human effort to govern themselves, to create a government and country and to control the fate of his social destiny in civic life, political science also study the abstract properties of the state and other political institutions.
Vision of S1 Political Sciences
  • Being a Political Science Study Program is a leading, modern, and uphold the noble values in Indonesia.
Mission of S1 Political Sciences
  • Implement appropriate learning ethics, values, and moral as well as the development of cutting-edge science and technology.
  • Organizing superior teaching process in order to print the graduates highly competitive both academically and morally.
  • Generate and develop political science and international relations in accordance with the dynamics of the age (globalization).
  • Political Organizing education (in the broadest sense) to the public.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Political Sciences
Political Science of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt Program graduates equipped with skills, skills, ethics, and knowledge of Indonesian Politics and Public Policy, Governance and Transition, Methods of Political Science, as well as having a high sensitivity to political change and the complexity of the development of the state, public policy, social change, economic , as well as the dynamics of politics, government, and technology relevant to their demanding needs in the community and in accordance with the dynamics of the age (globalization).

Basic competence Bachelor of Political Science of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt is to have quality and intellectual integrity; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continually learn; in addressing each issue, able to reveal the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology; able to apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in politics; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; may use concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize resource-existing resources; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the fields of politics, able to follow new developments in the field of politics, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Political Sciences
Bachelor of Political Science of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt career can work in all government and non-government agencies such as NGOs / LSM, State Owned Enterprises (SOEs / BUMN), government agencies, financial institutions, and the state department in the country, public service agencies (public and private), international, regional and local, as professionals, political analysts, negotiators, policy analysts, practitioners of politics (parties or social organizations), governance relations officer, social activist / nonprofit workers, diplomatic staff, Indonesian or foreign embassy staff, experts on Human Rights (HAM), politician, member of Parliament / DPR / D, researchers, journalists, academics / lecturers, leaders / managers, so on.

A lecturer / lecturer / researcher in the field of politics PTN / PTS or centers of education and training (Pusdiklat), or researchers in Lembaha-research institutions, Ratings, Survey.

Self-employed (Entreprenuer) into political and policy consultant, consultant elections / elections, etc., by establishing research institutes, pollsters, training institutions, rating agencies, and so on.
S1 Political Sciences Courses
* = Specificity Electives / General Options
SKS = Semester Credit Units

State Financial Administration *3
Development Administration *3
Agency, Power and Politics in Indonesia3
Regional Analysis and Asset Management *3
Pricing Analysis * Political science3
Qualitative Analysis of Political Science2
Quantitative Analysis of Political Science2
Development Anthropology *3
Political Anthropology *3
Management Principles *3
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Bureaucracy in Indonesia *3
CSR and Community Development *3
Basic Research Methodology3
Basics of Governance Studies *3
Journalism Basics *3
Basics of Public Relations *3
Democracy and Democratization3
Democracy and Human Rights *3
Economic Development *3
Political Economy3
International Political Economy *3
Political Elite *3
Social and Political Ethics2
Ethnography Indonesia *3
Evaluation and Development Supervision *2
Philosophy Political Science3
Geopolitics and geo *3
Social Movements and Political Identity3
Globalization and Strategy *3
Interpersonal Racial *3
Alternative Ideas Politics and Globalization in Developing Countries3
Basic Natural Science2
Implementation and Evaluation of Public Policy *3
Industry Mass Media *3
Bureaucracy and Political Studies *3
Presidential Studies *2
Capita Selecta political issues2
assistantship Political Science *2
Public Policy and Management *3
Public Policy3
Indonesian Political forces *3
Leadership *3
Communications and Modernity *3
Communications and Multiculturalism *3
Communications and Advertising *2
Communications and Consumer Behavior *3
Marketing Communications *3
Political Communication *3
cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, Fundamentalism *3
Field Work - Learning Collaborative (KKN - BBM)3
Internship *2
HR Management *3
Public Sector Human Resource Management *3
Poverty and Inequality *3
Election Issues *2
Media and Society *3
Political Research Methodology2
Social Research Methodology *3
State, Religion, and Democracy *3
International Organization and Administration *3
Organization and Management *3
Organization and Management *3
Political Parties and Election *3
Development and Political Change in Indonesia *3
Political Development *3
Local Government and Politics *2
Western Political Thought3
Political Thought in Developing Countries *3
Indonesian Political Thought3
Islamic Political Thought *3
Religious Education2
Pancasila and Citizenship Education2
Introduction to Anthropology3
Introduction to Globalization *3
Introduction to Political Science3
Introduction to Media Studies *3
Introduction to Social Psychology *3
Introduction to Sociology3
Introduction to Social Statistics3
Political Management and Marketing *2
Conflict Management *3
Institutional Development *3
Network Planning *2
Planning *2
Organizational Behavior *3
Political Behavior *3
Community and Cultural Change *3
Politics and Local Government3
Politics in the village *3
Politics in the City *2
Gender Politics and Democracy *3
International Security Politics *3
Political Finance and Budget *3
Foreign Policy Indonesia *3
Politics of Multiculturalism *3
Politics, Human Rights, and Democracy *2
Social Institutions *2
Development Problems *3
Political Science Final Proposal3
Political Process and Technical Regulations *2
Public Speaking *2
Political Representation and Legislative Behavior *3
International Regime *3
Public Policy Research and Measurement *3
Research and Measurement Service Quality *3
Research - Research Communications *3
Indonesian Political History and Governance *3
State Administration System *3
Indonesian Economic System *3
Legal System in Indonesia *3
Management Information Systems *3
System Planning, Programming, and Budgeting *3
Political Representation System *3
Political System in the ASEAN countries *2
Indonesian Political System3
Indonesian Cultural Social System3
Economic Sociology *3
Sociology of Law *3
Sociology of Corruption *3
Organizational Sociology *3
Development Sociology *3
Urban Sociology *3
Political Sociology3
Social Statistics *2
Study Region *3
Public Policy Studies *3
Strategic Studies Indonesia (Foreign Policy) *3
Scientific Writing Techniques *2
Theory and Organizational Behavior *3
Theory and Development Problems *3
International Relations Theory *3
Theory Public Policy *3
Conflict Theory and Social Change *3
Critical Theory *2
Development Theory *3
Comparative Political Theory *3
Planning and Control Theory *3
Political Theory *3
Classical Sociological Theory *4
Comparative Political Theory3
Modern Sociological Theory *4
Contemporary Political Theories3

3. S1 Public/State Administration

Graduate Degree : S.A.P (Sarjana Administrasi Publik)
Prospectus of S1 State Administration
(Public Administration)
The whole process of public administration is committed organizations and individuals with regard to the application or implementation of laws and regulations issued by the legislature, the executive and the judiciary, especially the process of how the policy was implemented.

Science of growing state administration and in the world of work is increasingly needed in line with the era of globalization, information and communication technology which provides an understanding of the procedures or critical approach in researching, analyzing and solving the problems of policy implementation.
Vision of S1 State Administration
  • The realization of the State Program Administration / Public Administration superior assessment of regional autonomy in accordance with the principles of good governance.
Mission of S1 State Administration
  • Conducting Program of Public Administration / Public Administration professionals with the principle of local autonomy creatively Good Governance.
  • Organize the teaching process in order to print quality graduates highly competitive both academically and morally.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 State Administration
Graduate of State Administration of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt are competent in the management and the management of public organizations, such as Human Resource Management, Performance Management, Local Government Systems, Leadership, Financial Administration, Public Opinion and Public Policy, Public Sector Accounting, Treasury, e-Government, Organizational design for both government and private.

Graduate of Public Administration of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt provided with the ability, skills, ethics, and knowledge of the system of state administration, local government, bureaucracy and democracy, public finance, political economy, public accountability and oversight, local finance, public service management, construction administration, urban management, environmental administration, public policy, administrative law, civil service administration, leadership, e-government, planning and strategic management in the public sector, etc., as well asthe ability to manage different types of organizations in a comprehensive and strategic decision-making capabilities.

Basic competence Bachelor of Public Administration of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continue constantly learning; handling each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of public administration; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units stub entrepreneurial countries in the field of administration, able to follow new developments in the field of public administration, carry out research, or follow the program of study in further levels.

Graduate of State Administration of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt have the intellectual competence, managerial and behavior to public affairs so as to establish public administration and management which is characterized by "good governance"; ability to identify, analyze, and address issues of public based methodological foundation; has a futuristic insight and systematic; ability to make inroads through kretif and innovative thinking in order to empower community participation, as well as the ability to develop public-private partnership and oriented to meeting the needs and satisfaction of citizens.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 State Administration
Bachelor of Public Administration of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt can work and a career in all government and non-government agencies such as the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs/BUMN), government agencies, financial institutions, public service agencies (public and private), as a professional administrator, expert Autonomous Region, Business Development Management Experts, member of Parliament, analysts, researchers, journalists, academics / lecturers, leaders / managers, etc.

Graduate of State Administration of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt planners can work into the development of the central government agencies (Bappenas), the provincial or district / city (BAPPEDA), or in affiliated companies (SOEs/BUMN) and other agency.

Become leaders or managers in government agencies, particularly the field of personnel, logistics, office, information systems, management public relations, government, state-owned enterprises (Persero, Perum, Testament), Supervision (Inspectorate General and Regional Inspectorate).

A lecturer / lecturer Administration of State and Government at the PTN / PTS or centers of education and training (Pusdiklat).

Can work on those companies with the public / community or the service and politics, particularly in community development (community development).

Self-employed (Entreprenuer) became a political consultant and a reliable administration, etc.
S1 Public/State Administration Science
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Administration and Public Sector Financial Management *3
Administration and Public Sector Strategic Management *3
Personnel Administration *2
State Financial Administration3
Development Administration3
In Local Government Administration3
Agency, Power, and Politics Indonesia *3
Analysis State Administration3
Development Impact Analysis *2
Public Policy Analysis *2
Management Analysis *3
Public Policy Analysis *3
Ecological Anthropology *3
Anthropology Economics and Industry *3
Anthropology Population *3
Development Anthropology *3
Computers & Internet Applications2
Principle - Principle Management3
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Development *3
Basic Research Methodology3
Basic Accounting *2
Fundamentals of Public Policy3
Basics Logic and Philosophy of Science3
Democracy and Democratization *3
State Administration of Ecology *2
City Ecology *3
Economic Development *3
Political Economy *3
Political Elite *3
Ethics Administration3
Social and Political Ethics2
Ethnography Indonesia *3
Evaluation and Development Supervision *3
Social Movements and Political Identity *3
Administrative Law *3
Employment Law *2
Constitutional Law *2
Political Ideas Alternative Globalization in Developing Countries *3
Basic Natural Science2
Cultural Studies Association2
Implementation and Evaluation of Public Policy *3
Bureaucracy and Political Studies *3
assistantship State Administration *3
Policy and Service Quality *
Public Policy and Management *3
Public Policy3
Sundanese Culture *2
Culture Java *2
Partnership in Governance *3
Social Welfare *3
Communications and Multiculturalism *3
Organizational Communication *2
Community control a/s Measures Administration *2
Cosmopolitanism, nationalism and fundamentalism *3
Field Work3
Lysis and Regional Asset Management *3
Records Management and Office *3
Project Management *2
Human Resource Management3
Human Resource Management Public Sector *3
Poverty and Inequality *3
Social Issues *3
Population Problems *3
Administration Research Methodology3
Social Research Methodology *3
Qualitative Research Methodology *3
Quantitative Research Methodology *3
Administration Organization International *3
Organization and Management3
International Organizations *3
Power of Political Thought Indonesia *2
Political Thought Indonesia *3
Religious Education2
Citizenship Education2
Pancasila Education2
Introduction to Anthropology *2
Introduction to Public Administration3
Introduction to Economics *3
Introduction to Law *3
Introduction to Political Science3
Introduction to Social Psychology *3
Introduction to Sociology3
Introduction to Social Statistics3
Conflict Management *3
Institutional Development *3
Comparative Public Administration3
Comparative Local Governance2
Network Planning *3
Organizational Behavior3
Political Behavior *3
Society and Cultural Change *3
Social Change *3
Politics in the City *3
Gender Politics and Democracy *3
Development Problems *3
Industrial and Organizational Psychology *3
Public Relations *2
Political Representation and Legislative Behavior *3
Global Conflict Resolution *3
Public Policy Research and Measurement *3
Research and Measurement Service Quality *3
RI State Administration System *3
Indonesian Economic System3
Legal System in Indonesia *3
Management Information Systems *3
System Planning, Programming, and Budgeting *3
Indonesian Political System3
Indonesian Cultural Social Systems *2
Sociology of Law *3
Organizational Sociology *3
Rural Sociology *3
Urban Sociology *3
Social Statistics I (inferens) *3
Social Statistics II (Non-Parametric) *3
Guided Literature Study State Administration *3
Indonesia Strategic Studies II : Foreign Policy *3
Scientific Writing Techniques *2
Labour and Mobility *3
Theory and Development Issues *2
Public Administration Theory3
Theory Public Policy *3
Development Theory *2
Organizational Development Theory *2
Comparative Political Theory *3
Planning and Control Theory *3
Contemporary Political Theories *3

4. S1 Communication Studies, Advertising,
Public Relations (PR)

Graduate Degree : S.I.Kom. (Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi)
Prospectus of S1 Communication Studies, Advertising,
Public Relations (PR)
Communications world is growing very rapidly with the globalization and development of information technology. This positive impact on workforce needs in the field of science communication is very high, especially bachelor of science communication.

Communication is a process of a person or persons, groups, organizations, and communities create, and use information in order to connect with the environment and other people.
Simply put, communication can be defined as a business man to give / receive information between them.

Communication science is the study of an observation of the production, process and impact of these systems through the development of signs and symbols which theories can be tested and generalized in order to explain the phenomena associated with the production, process and impact of sign systems and symbol the.
Vision of S1 Communication Studies
  • Making the Communication Studies Program leading and modern who is known for his moral excellence in Darma Four universities in the field of Public Relations and Advertising.
Mission of S1 Communication Studies
  • Implement teaching and learning process in the field of science communication and media strategy by using modern learning systems.
  • Organizing superior teaching process in order to print the graduates highly competitive both academically and morally.
  • Establish a communication science courses and develop curriculum superior public relations and advertaising demngan systems approach in order to obtain outcomes that can follow the needs of the market.
  • Proactive with professional and community organizations as well as reviewing and seeking to resolve problems of Public Relations and Advertising in an honest and transparent.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Communication Studies
Communication Studies of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt Program graduates equipped with skills, skills, ethics, and knowledge of basic concepts, theories of science communication and media studies, is able to provide critical analysis, creative media mastering application, managerial skills and methodologies so that they can understand and explain the problems in society and be able to formulate an alternative solution from the perspective of communication and media studies; has the ability to identify, analyze critically and synthesize the phenomenon of communication and media in society; has the ability to manage marketing campaigns, public relations, social and political effective by basing on modern management principles measurable and accountable.

Basic competence Bachelor of Communication Studies of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continue constantly learning; handling each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of science communication, public relations, and advertising; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with the experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units stub entrepreneur in the field of science communication and / or public relations and / or advertising, able to follow new developments in the field of science communication, public relations, and advertising, conducting research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Bachelor of Communication Studies of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt has the competence to apply the concepts, theories, methodologies, communication science and media studies as well as developing strategic managerial skills as well as creative media for the sake of development, policy development and community empowerment; has the ability to conduct research in the field of mass communication in general, the field of media regulation policy special and capable of generating media regulatory policy both internally and externally in line with the interests of social, economic, political, cultural force.

For specialization / concentration Public Relations (PR):
In addition to competencies such as the above description, Communication Studies Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and skills to create a better public understanding so as to deepen the public's trust in an individual or organization, provide information, educate, persuade, gain sympathy, and arouse public interest in something or make people understand and accept a situation; bring individuals and organizations become popular, rapidly growing, solid, and has the support; internal organization became the center of an organization's information so as to mendinamisasi, motivator and creates a conducive organizational climate accordance with the demands of the times; externally organization became manager of communications in the face of the press and the public, and create programs in taking deliberate and planned action in its efforts to maintain, create, and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its people. Also has the ability to do the planning and analysis of the problem-oriented public relations communications to customer relation management; capable of being a reliable professionals in the field of marketing and public relations in the public communications media and multimedia

For specialization / concentration Advertising:
In addition to competencies such as the above description, Communication Studies Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and the skills to implement creative strategies of advertising and marketing strategies; designing illustrations, sketches and advertising topography; using computers to make visual communication design, graphic design and animated advertising; using and understanding the electronic camera techniques, perform recording and editing, making advertising photography, producing print and electronic advertising, making copywriting, visualization and story board, and then process them into a promotional tool in the form of print ads, television, radio, brochures, posters, flyers, billboards, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Communication Studies
Bachelor of Communication Studies of P2K Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jkt and a career can work in all types of companies (local, national / regional, and multinational), all government and non-government agencies, including NGOs / LSM, State Owned Enterprises (SOEs / BUMN), all departments, financial institutions, public service institutions (private and government), broadcast media, advertising media, broadcasters, film, home production (production house), the print media industry (newspapers, tabloids, magazines), electronic media (TV, radio, internet) as professionals, practitioners and PR consultant, advertising consultant, consultant broadcasting, journalism consultant, as a media planner, account executive, art / creative director, copywriter, presenter, television broadcaster, radio broadcaster, producer, professional master of ceremonies, MC Professional, journalists, reporters, journalists, researchers, DPR / DPRD, academics / lecturers, leaders / managers, observers of public communication, political communication analysts, media analysts, governments and observers issues and phenomena that occur in public communication, correspondent, observer government public relations, and so on.

A lecturer / lecturer / researcher in the field of science communication PTN / PTS or centers of education and training (Pusdiklat), or research-institute in Lembaha Research, Ratings, Survey.

Self-employed (Entreprenuer) with established advertising agencies, media companies, broadcasters, advertising media, broadcast media, print media (newspapers, tabloids, magazines, electronic media (TV, radio, internet), public relations consultants, advertising consultants, consultants broadcasting, journalism consultants, etc.
S1 Communication Studies
(Public Relations (PR), Advertising)
* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Advertising Visual *3
Computer Applications ( Information Technology ) *3
Management Principles3
Indonesian Profession2
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Fundamentals Photography3
Fundamentals of Public Relations ( Public Relations / Public Relations / PR )3
basics Journalism3
Basics Audio Visual Communication3
Logic Basics3
Advertising Fundamentals3
Basics Shooting and Editing3
Graphic Design *3
Professional Ethics2
Advertising Program Evaluation *3
Philosophy of Science Communication3
Journalism * Photography3
Advertising Law and Regulation *2
Mass Media Law *3
Cultural Studies Association2
Journalism *3
Journalism Print Media *3
Media Broadcast Journalism *3
Capita Selecta Communication2
Computer Graphics *3
Interpersonal Communication *3
Communication in Organizations *3
Communications and Strategy Da'wah *3
International Communication *3
Social Communication Cross3
Mass Communication3
Organizational Communication *3
Communications Tourism *3
Marketing Communications *3
Communication Social Development3
Communication Counseling *3
Political Communication2
Visual Communication *2
Cross-Cultural Community *3
Field Work4
Relations Management *3
Mass Media Management *3
Advertising Management *3
Management Radio and TV *3
Media and Society *3
Feature and Editorial Writing *3
Communication Research Methods3
Social Research Methods3
Multimedia Communications *3
Social Marketing *3
General Revenue2
Religious Education2
Citizenship Education2
Introduction to Anthropology3
Introduction to Law and SHI *3
Introduction to Communication Studies3
Introduction to Political Science3
Introduction to Social Psychology *3
Introduction to Sociology3
Introduction to Social Statistics3
Introduction to Advertising3
Screenwriting Audio Visual *3
Communications Development Planning *3
Planning Creative Advertising *3
Advertising Media Planning *3
Consumer Behavior *2
Development Communication Technology3
Political Marketing *3
Practice of Public Relations / PR I3
Practice of Public Relations / PR II *3
Practice of Public Relations / PR III *3
Journalism Practice I3
Journalism Practice II *3
Journalism Practice III *3
Audio Visual Communication Practice I3
Audio Visual Communications Practice II *3
Audio Visual Communications Practice III *3
Practice Advertising / Advertising I3
Practice Advertising / Advertising II *3
Practice Advertising / Advertising III *3
television production *3
Propaganda *3
Psychology of Communication3
Social Psychology *3
Public Speaking *3
Publicity *3
Indonesian Economic System3
Indonesian Legal System3
Indonesian Communication Systems3
Indonesian Political System3
Indonesian Cultural Social System3
Social Marketing *3
Sociology of Communication3
Social Statistics3
Advanced Social Statistics *3
Product Marketing Strategy *2
Engineering - Engineering Public Relations *3
Lobby and Negotiation Techniques *2
Technique Finding and Writing News *3
Scientific Writing Techniques *3
Communication Theory3
Final ( Final )6

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